Category: Real Estate Podcast

Episode 521 – Is The Wave Back?

Episode 521 – Is The Wave Back?

Did the new year bring a new wave of Buyers and Sellers? Are we done with deals sitting forever and sellers wanting too much money? It sure feels that way but is it too soon to call it? You’ll have to listen in today to see what we think but so far we’re feeling pretty good.

Episode 520 – The Land Unconference with Dave Denniston!

Episode 520 – The Land Unconference with Dave Denniston!

We’re super excited today to have Dave Denniston on the show! Dave has been in the industry for quiet sometime now, he’s built a great business and he’s got one of the best live events in the land space. He’s bringing it back this year and we’ve got him on the show to talk all about it. It’s actually a great show since because you get to hear from Dave who throws the event, Justin who is a moderator and Adam who hasn’t been yet. Can the two of them convince him he needs to be there? Join us to find out.

Episode 519 – Is the Mobile Home Market on Fire?

Episode 519 – Is the Mobile Home Market on Fire?

The full title is actually, is the mobile home market on fire or are the sellers just crazy!?! It’s a good question too because we’ve been on the hunt lately and we’ve seen some interesting responses. Are we the ones that are crazy or is the market booming right now? Join us as we tell you what we’ve come across and then let us know what you’ve seen.

Episode 518 – Competition on Both Sides

Episode 518 – Competition on Both Sides

The impact of competition can be wild and in the last few days we’ve seen just what it can do to your business on both sides of the coin. On the sales side, we’ve got a wild story from a recent auction where the competition pushed the price higher than expected. On the listing / acquisition side we’ve got a story about how it can make you want it more, turning what could be just another opportunity into a must-have. If you’ve ever felt that rush when you’re up against others, this episode is for you! Tune in for a behind-the-scenes look at how competition can shape decisions, drive prices up, and fuel that ‘I need to win’ mindset.

Episode 517 – The Lull

Episode 517 – The Lull

You know what we’re talking about. For some it’s that time in between your last deal and your next deal. For others it’s the time between your marketing hitting the right people. It’s the dead time where you feel like nothing is moving forward or happening. So how do you handle that time? Does it make you crazy or do you completely avoid it by constantly having something going on? All good questions that we’re gonna tackle today. So join us and let us know what you do.

Episode 516 – Infill Lot TRUTHS!

Episode 516 – Infill Lot TRUTHS!

Y’all know what they are.. Those really enticing little lots that look perfect for home building and that you can pick up for a really low price. The ones inside a neighborhood that look like an easy flip. Are they though or are they a pain in the you know what? Listen in today and we’ll tell you all about our experiences with them and then you let us know what you think.

Episode 515 – Cancun Live Event!

Episode 515 – Cancun Live Event!

The first Casual Fridays REI International Live Event was such an awesome time! We thank everyone from the bottom of our hearts that came out. This community never ceases to amaze us and it’s because of y’all that we keep doing this, so thank you so much. We didn’t record live while we were there but we are recapping our favorite parts and lessons learned so join us today as we dive into that.

Episode 514 – Adjusting Your Close

Episode 514 – Adjusting Your Close

I think one thing we can all agree on is that in order for us to buy land, we’ve gotta get the phone ringing with people who want to sell. There’s a lot of different ways we can do that too. You’ve got text, direct mail, cold calling, etc.. The trick is finding out how to close each person and what works for one type of marketing might not work for the other. So what do we mean, well you’ll have to join us to find out.

Episode 513 – Notating Your Minerals

Episode 513 – Notating Your Minerals

He’s been telling everyone for years that this is something all Land Investors need to be doing and it’s finally paid off so today we’re gonna talk about it. It’s such an easy thing to do as well but so many of us haven’t done it (maybe even his cohost) but after today that no longer happens because we’ve got a great story to tell that’ll make you wish you’ve been listening all along. So join us and then start putting this to work on all of your deals.

Episode 512 – Yes Day!

Episode 512 – Yes Day!

Inspired by this years birthday gift we’ve got a discussion and we need your thoughts! Have you ever been given a “Yes Day”? Where no matter what you ask for, the person who gave it to you has to say YES! Is it a fun day? chill day? Heart pounding, death defying day? So many options to choose from that you may not know where to start. Well, that’s the theme today so give it a listen and then let us know what you think.