
Welcome to the Casual Fridays REI Podcast!
Active Land Investors Adam Southey and Justin Sliva have come together to share their views and experiences in this little known yet highly profitable niche! Join them every Friday as they discuss some of the lessons they’ve learned over the years and debate who has the better business ideas! Here’s a hint… It’s Adam!! (and that’s not because he’s the one writing this ) Jk.. Jk.. In reality both Adam and Justin work in their business everyday yet the way they run their business couldn’t be more different. This is great for y’all because you’ll get to see more than one way to do things and listen to some pretty fun debates.
Anyway, we really hope y’all enjoy the show! If you have anything you’d like to hear us talk about leave us a message on Facebook or Instagram and we’ll be sure to get it on the show!