Category: Uncategorized

Episode 493 – Holding Cost In a Slower Market

Episode 493 – Holding Cost In a Slower Market

When the markets hot and things are flying off the shelf it’s easy to get spoiled and forget about some of the actual holding cost associated with this business. We just happen to be in a slower market than what we’ve been used to and some of those cost are coming at us now. What are they though? You’ll have to join us today to find out.

Episode 492 – Site Visits

Episode 492 – Site Visits

The vast majority of land deals will be bought and sold without the investor ever even seeing the property. It’s actually one of the better things about this niche. Sometimes though, a visit to the property can be super beneficial. We’ve done it both ways and we’ve got some good advice that you’ll have to join in on today to hear. So get ready because here it is!

Episode 306 – How Our Goals Have Changed

Episode 306 – How Our Goals Have Changed

Looking back on when we first started our Land Investing businesses and the goals we created for ourselves back then and comparing them to where we are now looks like we took a major detour somewhere. One of us wanted to make a little money on the side of their corporate gig and the other wanted a giant cashflow monster with a full team. Things don’t exactly look like that now though and that’s perfectly okay because goals evolve. You can have this picture perfect scenario in your head and then get started and decide to change things. It’s definitely still important to have and create goals to keep you motivated and moving forward but don’t worry if they change. The only thing that really matters is that you get started and never give up. So join us today as we talk about our journeys and how they’ve changed and where we plan on going from here.