Category: Real Estate Podcast

Episode 429 – Did You Duck and Cover?

Episode 429 – Did You Duck and Cover?

Last weeks episode got a few more comments than normal and while that’s a good thing, it made us realize we may need to follow up on that message. If you missed that show you’ll need to go back and listen to it but the main message was that you need to prepare incase something is happening or is gonna happen. The fact is we don’t know what’s coming but the talk everyone here’s isn’t good. When that happens you need to run the drill like we talked about last week and touch again this week. So what do you think? Did you run the drill or duck and cover?

Episode 428 – Are We Witnessing The Crash?

Episode 428 – Are We Witnessing The Crash?

Whether you believe it’s happening or not, everywhere you turn people are talking about an impending recession. Sometimes, just speaking about it is enough to slow entire markets down. So how should you be progressing in your business. Completely stopping isn’t an option and buying every thing you can no matter what it looks like might not be an option either. So what do you do? Well.. Join us today and we’ll give you our opinion and how we’re going about it.

Episode 427 – Does Interest Rate Matter?

Episode 427 – Does Interest Rate Matter?

I think most of you would read the title of this episode and immediately say that it does. We’ve got an interesting take on it for you this week though. We’re gonna look at it from the eyes on an idea that we spoke about over lunch and see if you agree with us. The answer isn’t really as black and white as it may appear. So give it a listen and let us know what you think.

Episode 426 – How To Recover from a Nut Punch!

Episode 426 – How To Recover from a Nut Punch!

It’s painful, it lingers and you don’t always recover so fast from it. It happens to all of us though and it sucks. One day you’ll be on top of the world and out of nowhere, BAM!! It happens and you get stopped in your tracks. As entrepreneurs it happens all the time. We’d even argue that it’s a very strong part of what we deal with on a daily basis. So how do you get back up when it happens? We’ve delt with this many times so today we’re gonna talk about it and what we do to get through it.

Episode 425 – Draw a Line In The Sand

Episode 425 – Draw a Line In The Sand

At some point in your career you’re gonna hit a wall with either something you don’t like doing, can’t do yourself anymore, don’t want to do yourself anymore, etc.. Most of us will keep doing those things anyway though because that’s just who we are as entrepreneurs. We’ll know that we need to make a change and we’ll even have the conversation with ourselves about making the change but keep doing things how we’re doing them. That ends today! We’re officially letting all of you know to draw a line in the sand and don’t go past it. Hire that person you’ve been wanting to hire, outsource that thing you don’t like, get out there and make the changes you need to to keep moving forward.

Episode 424 – Things You Can Control

Episode 424 – Things You Can Control

The world of an entrepreneur is a wild ride. There’s ups, downs and everything in between. Just when you think things are going great, something can happen that throws you off. Maybe the economy changes or a pandemic breaks out. Those are things we’d need a crystal ball to see coming and when those things happen, we can’t control it. There are many other things we can control though and they don’t all have to be huge things like a recession or pandemic. They can start with something as small as how we show up to work and progress from there. There’s hundreds of other things too and today we’re gonna touch on them and how you can handle them.

Episode 423 – Getting Hung Up On The Small Things

Episode 423 – Getting Hung Up On The Small Things

As business owners there’s a million different things we need to do and generally we’re the only ones around to do them. With so many things to do, getting hung up on one or two things can really slow down our end goal. We’ve seen many people derail their businesses by weeks or months just because they can’t get over certain aspects or make the snap decisions needed to get things done. This type of behavior can really impact our success so we’ve gotta think of ways to get over it. Join us today we talk about these things and how we think you can improve on this.

Episode 422 – New Year, New Me Wears Off

Episode 422 – New Year, New Me Wears Off

For many, the New Year comes with lots of excitement around new businesses, goals and hopes for a better year than the last one. This feeling is generally surrounded by a ton of motivation to get things done which is great for the first few weeks / months. What do you do though when that inevitably wears off? Because the truth is that it will wear off. What you were first doing because it was new and exciting becomes the norm and it loses all the fun that it once was. So what do you do? How do you keep going to make sure your goals are realized? Join us today as we talk about this and give our opinion on what needs to be done.

Episode 421 – Your Land Loans with JT Olmstead

Episode 421 – Your Land Loans with JT Olmstead

Every now and then a new tool comes on the market and it completely changes the way we do things in the land industry. Today is one of those days and we’re happy to have JT Olmstead on the show to talk about his new product JT is a long time friend of the show, successful land investor and now he’s on a mission to help land investors with a better way to manage their notes. So do yourself a favor and go check out the website and get signed up!