Category: Real Estate Podcast

Episode 444 – Water On Your Property

Episode 444 – Water On Your Property

Creeks, Ponds, Rivers.. They’re all great but that’s not what we’re talking about today. No, we’re talking about good ole water straight out of the ground.. or maybe pipe that runs along your property.. Either way, it’s a super important thing that when we first started we didn’t think much of. On the property type we dealt with back then though it wasn’t that big of a deal. These days with properties nicer than desert squares, it’s something we always look for. So join us today as we dive into some of the things we look for and think about when it comes to water.

Episode 443 – We’re Back!!

Episode 443 – We’re Back!!

July was a month to remember. We traveled, made memories, got married, traveled some more, had amazing experiences and lived life with our family and friends. It was a well deserved break that we were excited to do and grateful that the land niche provided us the ability to do so. Life isn’t all about working with no fun. It’s about what we can do while were here and that’s just what we did.

Episode 442 – Is There More Money Than Deals?

Episode 442 – Is There More Money Than Deals?

A fellow Land Investor made a post the other day that which got us thinking. It was the idea that there is more money available right now than there are deals to be had. It’s a great thought but do we think it’s actually true? Join us today to find out!

Episode 441 – When Is Leverage Okay?

Episode 441 – When Is Leverage Okay?

Back in our day we had to walk up hill, barefoot in the snow just to get the opportunity to purchase a piece of land and back then we were told never to use leverage. It would ruin you financially and your business would go bankrupt. That’s no longer the case and it probably never should’ve been something that was preached so hard. Brining on the right leverage especially with the right knowledge or people can really amplify your returns and business. So join us today as we dive into this and give all our thoughts on it.

Episode 440 – They Want What??

Episode 440 – They Want What??

One thing for sure about this business is that you will meet all types of people. Some will be easy and fun to work with while others will be a pain in your you know what. The challenge of that as business owners is how we react to each person as the scenarios come up. As the business owner we’ve probably taken the time to streamline our process and make things as easy as they can be. So when someone ask for something out of the norm we either balk or we adjust. How you handle that has an impact on your business no matte what. So join us today as we talk about our feelings on the subject and tell you how handle it.

Episode 439 – Ajay Sharma Talks Building and Exceling With a Team

Episode 439 – Ajay Sharma Talks Building and Exceling With a Team

Every now and then we meet someone in person that really impresses us and today we’ve decided to have one of those people on the show. Before we get started with him though, we have a HUGE announcement that you’re gonna want to listen in for. Not to steal any of his thunder though, Ajay Sharma is with us today and he’s got some amazing insight into his business and how he has succeed with a team. We’re gonna talk about it all today.. Roles, compensation, pitfalls, you name it.. It’s a great episode and Ajay is full of life that you can actually hear coming through when he talks about his business. So join us today and enjoy this awesome episode.

Episode 438 – Do The Right Things

Episode 438 – Do The Right Things

An idea came to us the other day while watching the new Nike / Michael Jordan movie which if you haven’t seen yet you’ve gotta check it out. Besides being a great movie, it shows a list of the 10 things that Nike lives and dies by. One of those things revolved around doing the right thing. It’s a simple item but somehow it doesn’t always get done. So today we’re gonna dive into it and how it can effect your business in positive and negative ways. Come check it out!

Episode 437 – Hell Yes or Hell No

Episode 437 – Hell Yes or Hell No

The markets changing and if you think you can buy and sell property with the same rules as you could just a few years ago then you’re wrong. In this market you’ve got to look at properties through a different lens and a comment was made in our Master Class group that has led the way in how we’re looking at things going forward. So join us today as we dive into that and give our thoughts on it.

Episode 436 – Do You Pay Your House Off?

Episode 436 – Do You Pay Your House Off?

It’s a question that will drive you nuts if you think about it too much. There doesn’t seem to be a “right” choice either because there are plenty of positives on each side of the argument. There’s also negatives on each side of it as well. We’re talking about paying your house off today and while it sounds great it might not be. We’re gonna dive into all of our thoughts today and see if we can come up with an answer. So join us and then let us know what you think.

Episode 435 – Dominating With TV Ads! Success Story with Larry Jarnigo

Episode 435 – Dominating With TV Ads! Success Story with Larry Jarnigo

This is one of those interviews you do not want to miss. Larry Jarnigo is on the show today with a very open and honest talk about using TV ads to dominate your market. As someone that is always looking to increase his marketing outreach, Larry stumbled across TV and jumped all in. He’s been at it now for 4 months and he’s here to share his experience, why it’s so great and all the cost associated with it. So get comfortable, grab a pen and paper and let’s get this started!