Category: Real Estate Podcast

Episode 479 – Refocus

Episode 479 – Refocus

In a world full of shiny objects it’s super easy to get distracted and to direct your company in a way it’s never gone before. That’s all well and good unless you lose sight of what’s been working all along. We’ve seen this many times before and today we’re here to tell you stop that. Take a look at your business, what’s worked and refocus on that. Then if you want to add things in, great, but don’t give up on the things that have been making you money this whole time.

Episode 478 – F it! I’ll Figure It Out

Episode 478 – F it! I’ll Figure It Out

One thing for certain when you run your own business is that each day will bring problems and obstacles that you’ve never dealt with before. You can either fold and give up on the business or you can just say it F it! I’ll figure it out. Those are you’re two options and you either learn to work through these situations and move forward or you don’t. The choice is yours and today we’re gonna talk about how we handle it.

Episode 477 – Title’s a B

Episode 477 – Title’s a B

It’s almost a love hate relationship that us Investors have with Title Companies. They are definitely worth having and they make sure that we’re purchasing a property that’s clear of any problems. However, they’re often the cause of problems we didn’t even know we had. Sometimes this takes a good property and ruins the deal and other times it creates a situation for us to figure out and really make some money. So join us today as we dive into some situations we’ve dealt with and the results we’ve seen.

Episode 476 – Easement or No Easement?

Episode 476 – Easement or No Easement?

Do you like Easements? Do you know what an easement is? Have you ever bought anything with easement access? Those are just a few items we’re going to talk about today regarding this interesting topic. The truth about this form of access is that not all of them are created equally. So what does that mean? You’ll have to join us today to find out.

Episode 475 – What’s Your True Net Worth?

Episode 475 – What’s Your True Net Worth?

It seems like an easy question to answer. You take your assets and you subtract your liabilities and poof! You’ve got your number. After a few conversations with people this week though it seems like there’s a bunch of often overlooked values. This is especially true if you’re an active land investor. Why do we say that? You’ll have to listen today to find out.

Episode 474 – Delayed Gratification

Episode 474 – Delayed Gratification

Sometimes you’ll come across a deal that goes extremely smooth and is bought and flipped before you can even blink. That’s not necessarily the norm though and having patience is of utmost importance if you want to make it long term in this business. This means you’re willing to look at deals and know you may not immediately get paid on them but when you do, it’ll be a great pay day. This also means having the ability to put off that new car purchase or that fancy trip or that big house until you’ve successfully built a business that can stand the test of time and the patience it takes to be successful. Join us today as we dive into this.

Episode 473 – What Are You Willing To Do?

Episode 473 – What Are You Willing To Do?

Sometimes the difference between a good deal and a bad deal, a yes or a no, a good property and a bad property are what you’re willing to do as the investor. It’s really easy to get spoiled as a land investor because for so long all you had to do was send mail and inevitably a property that meets all your criteria would come back to you. The ones that were missing something just got passed on. There’s a lot of money to be made on the properties with problems though and those are the ones we’re talking about today. So join us and see what exactly we mean.

Episode 472 – What Are You Costing Yourself?

Episode 472 – What Are You Costing Yourself?

Do you have a savings account? Are you earning any interest on that savings account? Are you sitting cash heavy with no deals in sight? Do you have money that you know you need to invest but you’re sitting on it, waiting for something to come your way? If you do, you’re not alone. There’s a lot of us like that. The question is how much are we costing ourselves by not having that money working for us. I’m not just talking about land deals here, I’m talking about anything.. Could be a high interest savings account or CD. Things that pay better than zero that when you look back at the end of the year add up to a decent amount. Join us today as we talk about some of the things we’ve been seeing and doing and then decide if there right for you.

Episode 471 – What Makes a Good Subdivide?

Episode 471 – What Makes a Good Subdivide?

Seems like one of the big buzzwords in the land industry these days is “subdivide” and we totally get it as we’re constantly talking about it ourselves. Knowing how to subdivide is an amazing tool that can add to your business in ways that you might not even be able to imagine right now. What actually makes a property a good candidate for subdividing though? Does every property have subdivide potential? Join us today and see what we think.

Episode 470 – Shake The Trees

Episode 470 – Shake The Trees

A solid follow up campaign is by far one of the best strategies you can have in your land business today. We’re not just talking about calling people back when they respond to your letters or texts. We’re talking about the people that you already called who mentioned they weren’t quite ready to sell but may be later. People that showed interest but for whatever reason you couldn’t close right then. These are literal pieces of gold that get overlooked by many people in their career. So what do we do and how do we handle these leads? Join in today to find out.