Category: Real Estate Podcast

Episode 484 – Perspective

Episode 484 – Perspective

How your business is doing and the life you currently live is all about perspective. Maybe you dreams of making millions but aren’t quite there yet. Does that really mean you’re not doing well if you’re making more than you ever made in your full time job? What if you used to work at a job you hate and had to be there 40-50 hours per week and now you only work a fraction of that time and make the same. These are questions that are easily looked over but are super important to recognize. So join us today as we dive into this topic and let us know what you think.

Episode 483 – Do You Read Your Legal Descriptions?

Episode 483 – Do You Read Your Legal Descriptions?

The legal description… We’ve all seen them and maybe even tried to read them but maybe it’s not always clear. They are super important though and can be really helpful if you know what you’re looking at. Do you pay much attention to them though? Join us as we talk about our experience with them.

Episode 482 – Retirement Party

Episode 482 – Retirement Party

The grand ole retirement party.. Once looked upon as a symbol of a long career and send off into a world of relaxation is now maybe not what it used to be. As entrepreneurs does it even exist? Do we ever even get to retire? Do we even want too? Just us today as we talk about this.

Episode 481 – Midcycle Angst

Episode 481 – Midcycle Angst

If you’ve been an entrepreneur for any amount of time you’ve no doubt felt this feeling. That almost uncomfortableness that comes when you’re in a slow period of business. For Land Investors this can be when you’re in between mailers, waiting for mail to hit, waiting for closings, etc.. How you handle this time in your business will ultimately decide how you succeed as a business owner. So how do we handle it? Join us today to find out.

Episode 480 – Is It Market or Marketing Saturation?

Episode 480 – Is It Market or Marketing Saturation?

When things aren’t going your way it’s really easy to look for external excuses as to why you’re not seeing the success you want. We actually here some of these things all the time. Things like, there’s to many investors now, mail doesn’t work, etc.. We believe these are exactly what they sound like, excuses. Where not saying that there aren’t more investors and that because of that more marketing isn’t happening but we are saying that this is business and things change all the time. The question is what are you doing about it? So today we’re gonna talk about what to focus on instead of the doom and gloom. Make sure you join us and take a note or two.

Episode 479 – Refocus

Episode 479 – Refocus

In a world full of shiny objects it’s super easy to get distracted and to direct your company in a way it’s never gone before. That’s all well and good unless you lose sight of what’s been working all along. We’ve seen this many times before and today we’re here to tell you stop that. Take a look at your business, what’s worked and refocus on that. Then if you want to add things in, great, but don’t give up on the things that have been making you money this whole time.

Episode 478 – F it! I’ll Figure It Out

Episode 478 – F it! I’ll Figure It Out

One thing for certain when you run your own business is that each day will bring problems and obstacles that you’ve never dealt with before. You can either fold and give up on the business or you can just say it F it! I’ll figure it out. Those are you’re two options and you either learn to work through these situations and move forward or you don’t. The choice is yours and today we’re gonna talk about how we handle it.

Episode 477 – Title’s a B

Episode 477 – Title’s a B

It’s almost a love hate relationship that us Investors have with Title Companies. They are definitely worth having and they make sure that we’re purchasing a property that’s clear of any problems. However, they’re often the cause of problems we didn’t even know we had. Sometimes this takes a good property and ruins the deal and other times it creates a situation for us to figure out and really make some money. So join us today as we dive into some situations we’ve dealt with and the results we’ve seen.

Episode 476 – Easement or No Easement?

Episode 476 – Easement or No Easement?

Do you like Easements? Do you know what an easement is? Have you ever bought anything with easement access? Those are just a few items we’re going to talk about today regarding this interesting topic. The truth about this form of access is that not all of them are created equally. So what does that mean? You’ll have to join us today to find out.

Episode 475 – What’s Your True Net Worth?

Episode 475 – What’s Your True Net Worth?

It seems like an easy question to answer. You take your assets and you subtract your liabilities and poof! You’ve got your number. After a few conversations with people this week though it seems like there’s a bunch of often overlooked values. This is especially true if you’re an active land investor. Why do we say that? You’ll have to listen today to find out.