Category: Real Estate Podcast

Episode 268 – Unseen Sacrifices

Episode 268 – Unseen Sacrifices

Sometimes in life and business you’ve got to be prepared to role up your sleeves, do the work that needs to be done and get a little dirt on your hands. Sometimes that means making sacrifices too. That means you may have to miss some sleep or miss a night out or whatever that may be. If you’ve got a dream and you want to accomplish it, you’ve got to do whatever it takes to make that happen. Current job not paying the bills? Go go get a second one. Not enough hours in the day? Get up earlier and stay up later. There’s really no excuse and if you make the sacrifices now they’ll end up paying you back tenfold in a few years. So join us today as we talk about this and some of the things we had to do to make it where we are today.

Episode 267 – Make Work Fun

Episode 267 – Make Work Fun

After spending the last several days on motorcycles exploring all Colorado has to offer and seeing all the land that we and our fellow investors buy and sell in that state we thought it was time for a good reminder to get out there and enjoy what you do. The way that we teach to buy and sell land allows you to do it anywhere in the country and because of that we’re opened up to countless opportunities to get out and go explore. Do you need to? No and for the most part we don’t but let’s not forget that it can be down right fun to get away for a few days and go see parts of the country you’ve never been to before. So join us today as we recap our trip through the mountains and some of the takeaways we came back home with.

Episode 266 – Canceled Escrows

Episode 266 – Canceled Escrows

One of the problems in Real Estate is that you’re dealing with people and people can be finicky at times. It doesn’t happen often, actually only a few times in our careers so far, but someone will commit to buying a property from you, put up the escrow money, wait a few weeks and then decide that they no longer want the property for whatever reason. Sometimes they’ll sell you a sad story in hopes that you give the escrow money back, sometimes they’ll just assume they deserve it and sometimes they don’t even fight it and just release it to you. Today’s show covers the people that want the money back. What do you do in those situations? Give it back and move on or keep it because they backed out?

Episode 265 – Successful Mailers For Other Ventures

Episode 265 – Successful Mailers For Other Ventures

When you learn how to successfully do a blind offer campaign for off market land deals, you open the doors to almost any type of real estate and business venture you can think of. That’s because blind offers and direct mail are a skill that once you’ve learned you can replicate over and over again no matter what you’re looking to do. We love and teach how to buy off market land but that doesn’t mean we don’t use the same techniques to do other ventures and that’s what we’re going to talk about today because once you learn this stuff you’re only limited by your imagination.

Episode 264 – Death and Money

Episode 264 – Death and Money

Money makes some people do some crazy things. I’m not just talking about your standard list of crazy either, I’m talking about lose your mind type of crazy. When you throw in the death of a loved one though things can get real ugly real fast. That’s what we’re talking about today. We see it all the time in our industry where someone inherited a piece of property from someone they love and then we make them a low ball offer and that either triggers anger which they’re gladly willing to tell us about or they think they can do something better than us and end up costing themselves time and money they didn’t have to begin with. As Investors that can put us in an odd position because we’re not here to make matters worse for anyone so how do we handle it? You’ll have to join us today to find out!

Episode 263 – Conservatively Aggressive

Episode 263 – Conservatively Aggressive

Can you be conservative in your business and at the same time be aggressive? What do we even mean by that? That’s a pretty good question and one we’re going to dive into on today’s show. Typically the two words don’t go together but we’ve put some thought into it and think it’s a perfect definition of how your business should be run. You’ve gotta push the boundaries sometimes but don’t be stupid, go after the big fish but put a plan in place, etc. Listen in and I think you’ll understand what we mean and maybe even have a little fun while you’re at it.

Episode 262 – Superstitious or Crazy?

Episode 262 – Superstitious or Crazy?

Do you have little things you do that, without doing them, can ruin things? It’s not uncommon for professional athletes to have rituals before a game so why would it be weird for a business professional to have the same? For example, a baseball player may have to tap the plate twice and spin the bat once before they get into their stance to hit. When they do it nobody thinks twice about it but when, let’s say for example one of our host doesn’t want to talk about an offer until everyone has signed it then it gets a little crazy.. That’s a purely hypothetical situation of course, that would never happen.. Or would it… Join us today as we have a little fun and see what you think? Are we superstitious or flat out crazy?

Episode 261 – Things That Are New To Us

Episode 261 – Things That Are New To Us

When you’re first getting started in an industry everything is new to you so you’re constantly learning and discovering new things but when you’ve been doing them for a while the lessons learned become fewer and farther in between. We work hard to stay on top of things around here so when we learn something new we can share it with you guys. That’s what today’s show is about because it seems like the last few weeks we’ve been learning quite a bit of new things. So join us today as we drop some new knowledge on you guys and as always try to have a little fun.

Episode 260 – The Importance of Title Insurance

Episode 260 – The Importance of Title Insurance

Most of the time when we buy properties and use a title company to close the deal things go great. All the “t’s are crossed and we’ve dotted all the “i’s”. Life is good. Sometimes though, as rare as it may be, that isn’t the case and there’s a problem with the title work that we had completed when we bought the property. Luckily for us there’s a thing called title insurance and it can save you when / if this ever becomes a problem for you. So today we’re gonna talk about title insurance, what it does, how to make a claim and why it’s so important that you have it.

Episode 259 – Mindset Motivation

Episode 259 – Mindset Motivation

The power of our thoughts are one of the most incredible tools we have as humans. We can literally make any decision in our lives fun and exciting or tough and miserable. We can talk ourselves in to anything and then keep our motivations strong or convince ourselves that what we’re doing is stupid and should quit. Knowing this is also a powerful tool because you can take a bad situation and turn it into a good one just by changing the way your’re thinking. One of our host just experienced this in a big way so we thought we’d talk about it on today’s show and hopefully motivate you to watch how you let your thoughts control you.