Category: Real Estate Podcast

Episode 278 – Why It’s Hard For The Small Guy

Episode 278 – Why It’s Hard For The Small Guy

As we personally continue to grow our businesses we’re taking on larger and larger projects and while the strong majority of our deals are still land related, we’re stepping out and going after projects that we’ve always dreamed of doing. One of the projects is a commercial development deal and as it’s being worked through some major lessons are being learned. There’s a huge learning curve here too and it’s one that we’re going to share along the way so if you’ve ever wanted to take on a development project this is the show for you. So come on.. Join us and learn a thing or two!

Episode 277 – Does It Actually Take Money To Make Money?

Episode 277 – Does It Actually Take Money To Make Money?

A really common theme in the Real Estate Investing niche is that you can buy properties for zero money down. I know you’ve heard some sort of variation of that saying and it sounds so easy right? Can it actually be done though? If it can, is it easy? What about scaling your business.. Can you do that with no money? These are all good questions which we’ll cover today and give you our opinions on the whole thing. Our answers may surprise you so don’t miss this episode.

Episode 276 – Feel The Fear and Do It Anyway

Episode 276 – Feel The Fear and Do It Anyway

It doesn’t matter who we are or where we’re at in life, we all experience some sort of fear. That could be something like the fear of starting a new business, the fear of growing that business or it could be the fear of going broke. The fact is that everyone you meet has something that they’re scared of. The key to growing and becoming a better version of you is not to back away from that feeling. It’s the ability to recognize that you’re scared, embrace it and then do whatever it is you want to do anyway. That’s where truth growth comes from and that’s what takes you from where you are now to where you want to be. Join us today as we talk about this and how we deal with it.

Episode 275 – What’s a Good ROI?

Episode 275 – What’s a Good ROI?

Every asset class whether it’s Real Estate or not will, at some point, talk about the Return on Investment that it generates. For example, it’s not uncommon for an apartment investors to boast about paying a 8-12% return to their clients and when it comes to house flippers you’ll typically see them shooting for roughly 20% give or take. When it comes to land investing though the numbers can be quite a bit different. In fact, for most of us a 20% return on our money would be considered a bad day. So what do we look for on a deal? Join us today to find out!

Episode 274 – What It Takes To Be Successful

Episode 274 – What It Takes To Be Successful

Almost every time we speak to someone new about getting into the niche of Land Investing we’re asked what it takes to succeed. That’s an interesting question and one we haven’t ever sat down on the podcast and talked about. So, today we’re going to do just that. It’s a special show because we normally take the time to put some thoughts down on paper before we start talking but today we’re going in head first and you’ll get to hear from both host on what they think it takes. If you’re thinking about getting into this niche you’ll definitely want to listen to this one and see if you’ve got what it takes.

Episode 273 – States That Suck

Episode 273 – States That Suck

As Land Investors we’re not bound by the same rules that traditional house investors deal with because we can buy land in any state throughout the country. That’s what makes this niche so great, you never have to leave your home and you’ve got boundless opportunities for deals. With this though, comes some states that are really easy to work with and some that just plain suck. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t work them and that you can’t make a ton of money in those places, you just need to be prepared for some interesting rules. Join us today as we talk about a few of them, what we’ve had to deal with and how we handled it.

Episode 272 – Improving Your Property

Episode 272 – Improving Your Property

It’s a question as old as Land Investing… Should I improve my property? Clean up the brush, trim the trees, mow the grass, etc.. etc.. There’s definitely something to be said about it because at some point you’ll buy an amazing piece of property and you’ll start thinking to yourself that if you just spent a little money and time this would be a dime piece of a property. The question is though, is it worth it? Do you have to do it to sell the land? Will the improvements make it more valuable? Join us today as we tell you what we think and what we’ve done in the past.

Episode 271 – Decisive or Impulsive

Episode 271 – Decisive or Impulsive

Too much of one of these and not enough of the other can be detrimental to just about any business. We think most people know that too but you still see it all the time and it doesn’t matter if you’re brand new to this or a seasoned vet. The fact is, as a business owner you’ve got to be able to make a decision. You need to pick a direction and take it. With that though comes a level of thought because you can’t just shoot from the hip at all times. That’s where the decisiveness comes back to play though because your business fails while you take for ever to think. So where’s the balance? Join us today and here what we have to say.

Episode 270 – Dwelling On Your Last Mailer

Episode 270 – Dwelling On Your Last Mailer

In the Land Investing niche the absolute best way to get leads is to do Blind Offers through a Direct Mail Campaign. That’s it. It has been proven time after time. Sometimes those campaigns go great and you’re swimming in property and sometimes they don’t. The people who do best in this industry don’t get frustrated when that happens, they look back and see what they did wrong, correct it and move forward. The people who dwell on the fact that they didn’t hit a home run start the spiral to the bottom and that’s what you absolutely want to avoid. So, on today’s show that’s what we’re going to talk about. Are you dwelling and what to do if you are.

Episode 269 – Topshelf Communication

Episode 269 – Topshelf Communication

It doesn’t matter if you’re dealing with you spouse, business partner, Realtors, clients, etc.. The quickest way to spoil a relationship is to lack in your communication skills. We all know that keeping people informed is important yet we somehow manage to forget to do it. We’ve experienced it plenty in our business and we’re sure you have too or atleast you will. So on today’s show we’ll be talking about how we’ve experienced this in our business and hopefully give you a reminder of just how important this is.