Category: Real Estate Podcast

Episode 293 – Trading Assets vs Trading Paper

Episode 293 – Trading Assets vs Trading Paper

One of the numerous great things about the Land Investing niche is that there are limitless ways you can run your business. You can flip tiny lots in the middle of the desert and you can flip hundreds of wooded acres prime for hunting. A question that we’ve often thought about though is the value of your business based off the asset you’re trading. For example, a forty acre parcel in the middle of the desert if worth far less than a heavily wooded 40 acres prime for your weekend getaway. So at that point what are you really doing for your wealth. Do you have valuable assets you can actually do something with or are you essentially trading paper? Join us today as we ponder this and other investing things.

Episode 292 – Ryan Doucet – The Magician at

Episode 292 – Ryan Doucet – The Magician at

We’re back at it with our friends over at today! This time we’ve got the magician behind the scene, Mr. Ryan Doucet on the show with us. He’s here talk about what’s been going on with the company, all the improvements they’ve made, why they’re the number one place for data and comps plus we’ll be talking about their newest tools that allow you to put together the best info and pricing on house mailers! This is huge people!! Don’t miss this episode!

Episode 291 – Drowning in Knowledge

Episode 291 – Drowning in Knowledge

It doesn’t matter what the subject is, there is always multiple people that offer their advice on how to do something. The Real Estate Investing niche is without a doubt one those niches and it seems like everyone has their own way of doing it. Because of this it’s really easy to get overwhelmed with all the information out there and then you’ll either get analysis paralysis and do nothing or you’ll try to Frankenstein the pieces together and really mess things up. So how do you avoid this? Join us today and we’ll tell you!

Episode 290 – Pick Your Hard

Episode 290 – Pick Your Hard

We’re gonna let you in on a little secret today. It’s a secret that may seem obvious to some of you but to others this is gonna be new information. The secret is that everything you do in life and business is going to be hard. I don’t care who you are or where you’re at in your life it hasn’t always been easy. For example, as a business owner it’s really hard to get your company to the point you want it. You’ll have times where you’ll feel like everything is against you and you’ll want to quit. You don’t though, you fight and you keep going and you finally get to where you want to be. That’s only half the battle though because now you’ve tasted success and you don’t want to lose it. So now you’re version of hard is staying successful. The good thing about all this is that you’ve got options. You don’t have to fight for success, you can give up but the alternative is losing out on your dreams and that’s hard too. So you’ve got to pick the hard that you want and then go after it. Join us today as we talk about this because this is a really important message that some of us need to hear over and over again.

Episode 289 – Transferring Your Business Skills

Episode 289 – Transferring Your Business Skills

A really common question we get from people looking into our training is if we think what they’ve done in their careers transfers into success as a real estate investor. That’s a hard question to answer but if you’ve ever had a job in your life chances are you’ve developed a few skills that you excel at which are transferable to a career as an investor. The key is knowing what those skill are and how to transfer them to what we do. So join us today as we talk about different skills and how to use them as strengths.

Episode 288 – You Don’t Fail Until You Quit

Episode 288 – You Don’t Fail Until You Quit

Every single day we’re given the opportunity to change whatever situation we’re in if we don’t like the one we’re currently dealt. For many of our listeners that means changing their financial status by building a business through the buying and selling of rural land. Doing this means getting out there and doing the work no matter what though. It won’t always be easy either, in fact there will be times that you’re stressed out at work, you’ve got family responsibilities, you do a bad mailer, etc.. etc.. When this happens, your dreams are tested and many people will give up and by doing so, they fail. They give up on their dreams of being an Investor and they go back to what’s easy. Why would you do that though!?! That’s crazy. If being your own boss is the goal why would you give up when it gets hard only to go back to a job you hate? If you’ve ever felt this way you’ve got to join us today as we talk about this.

Episode 287 – Sparking New Ideas

Episode 287 – Sparking New Ideas

Coming up with new ideas and testing them in your business is something that every successful entrepreneur should be doing. We live in an ever changing world, what works today may not work tomorrow. So getting creative is imperative to your ability to stay in business for the long term. Sometimes new ideas are hard to come up with though! So how do we do it? When you think you’ve done everything but still need more what gets the brain working? Join us today as we talk about what we do. This one was actually kind of fun to spit ball because we got to see what each of the host do to get their brains turning.

Episode 286 – Market Value vs Property Value

Episode 286 – Market Value vs Property Value

As land investors, we make our careers from buying off market land using a blind offer campaign throughout counties all across the country. When putting these blind offers together, we look at comps for the county we have selected as our target for acquisitions and then send everyone a offer based on the value we put on the market of that county. When the phone starts ringing and sellers call us to actually purchase their land we dive into their property to see what that particular piece of land is worth. There’s several factors that can make or break a value and that’s what we’re talking about today. So join us as we dive into this and talk about the differences here and why it’s important.

Episode 285 – Does Being a Realtor Help?

Episode 285 – Does Being a Realtor Help?

It’s not uncommon that someone ask us if they should get their Real Estate License when getting started in the Land Investing industry and recently it was brought up in a group that we follow so we thought we’d answer that question on air for y’all today. It’s a debate that never seems to end and one that we feel very capable of answering because one of our host is a licensed agent. So join us today as we dive into this and tell you what we think.

Episode 284 – He Who Controls The Gold

Episode 284 – He Who Controls The Gold

You may have heard this saying before and what it means is that the person who controls the gold, controls everything. Sometimes that literally means the person controlling actual gold but in our case we’re talking about the skill set that you develop as a business owner. We believe that investing in rural land through a blind offer campaign is the best investment strategy out there. Once you learn how to do this you can be 100% in control of what you do, where you shop, the size of your parcels, etc.. It doesn’t stop there though, maybe you have other skill sets that you’ve mastered and can use to your benefit. So join us today as we expand on this and have a little fun before the weekend starts.