Category: Real Estate Podcast

Episode 309 – Project 1 Recap

Episode 309 – Project 1 Recap

Seems fitting that as the year is ending so is Project 1! We worked hard all year through this crazy pandemic to prove to you that we actually do what we do and to top it off we shared in the profits with our members. It’s been a long year and a heck of a ride which we’re going to tell you all about on today’s show so get comfortable and get ready to hear all about it!

Episode 308 – What To Do When The Seller Ghost You

Episode 308 – What To Do When The Seller Ghost You

It doesn’t happen often but every now and then you’ll find a Seller who has agreed to sell you their property only to ghost you when the closing day comes. They’ll go through everything we request, they’ll show excitement and then poof! They’re gone. So what do you do? Do you get mad and seek retribution. Do you let it go and chalk it up to just being part of the business? Both good questions and if you listen to todays show we’ll give you our thoughts on it and what we’ve done.

Episode 307 – What’s The Correct Offer Amount?

Episode 307 – What’s The Correct Offer Amount?

One of the most common questions we get from new investors doing a blind offer campaign is how much they should offer. It’s not a question that we can just give a blanket answer to though. There’s a lot of factors that go into this and today we’re gonna go over why. This is definitely an important topic because when you get it right and you’ll buy some great land deals. If you get it wrong you’ll either over pay or you’ll jus get a bunch of rejection. So join us today as we sit down and try and tackle this for you.

Episode 305 – Processing Your Inbound Leads – Replay

Episode 305 – Processing Your Inbound Leads – Replay

As we finish up our week off from the show we’re replaying our number one most downloaded show to date. This one takes the cake as the winner by far so we’re excited to go back and listen to it. Topics like this are important to learn about because the amount of leads you can receive off of a properly done mailer can really slow you down if you don’t have an efficient way to process them all. So let’s listen in and see if we can’t find a few nuggets from this show.

Episode 304 – The Volume Game: A Losing Proposition – Replay

Episode 304 – The Volume Game: A Losing Proposition – Replay

Coming in at the number two spot for our most downloaded shows is an episode we did that talks about whether or not it’s better to do a ton of small deals or a few larger ones. I’m a little surprised to see this one coming in with so many downloads so I may have to go back and give it another listen myself. This was originally show number 99 for us so it’s good to be able to go back and see how we looked at things back then and to see if we’ve changed our way of thinking at all. Join us today as we take a look back and don’t forget to stay tuned for Friday’s number one most downloaded show to date!

Episode 303 – Land Selling Ninja Beth Pianori! Replay

Episode 303 – Land Selling Ninja Beth Pianori! Replay

As we take this week off to enjoy some time with our families we’re replaying our top 3 most downloaded shows for you. This is pretty interesting to see because until now we’ve never looked back to see what those are. So, without further ado we’re starting this week with our third most downloaded show which is an interview we did with Beth Pianori and I can assure you Beth is still out there killing it in the Land Game. If you missed it the first time this is a good one to listen to because I believe we did this one right as Beth was getting started.

Episode 302 – People Fear What They Don’t Know

Episode 302 – People Fear What They Don’t Know

This isn’t just land specific, this is something that’s seen across all aspects of life and it can easily affect the money you make. We definitely see it in our niche though and sometimes it’s even brought on by us so it’s important to recognize when you’re scaring someone and how to deal with it. For example, when you’re thinking about getting into the land investing business and you tell your friends / family they may respond with doubt that it’ll work and try to talk you out of it. What do they know though? Are they investing in land? Chances are they know nothing about it and definitely aren’t doing it. The same type of fear exist from buyers interested in our property. They’ll see a listing filled with tons and tons of information that they might not understand and back out. It can be even easier than that too. They may just not be able to believe that you can buy land from us so cheap! So how do you handle these situations? Join us today as we dive into it.

Episode 301 – Traveling, Investing and Living Life With Daniel and Quinn

Episode 301 – Traveling, Investing and Living Life With Daniel and Quinn

We are so excited to have two awesome guys on the show today that are sure to inspire the heck out of you! We’re lucky enough to sit down and chat with Daniel and Quinn as they travel the country meeting with friends, checking out new places, investing in Land and building memories. You’ll find that these two don’t just focus on the business, although they are extremely disciplined in it as you can see on one of the links below but they also take time to incorporate life and the enjoyment that comes with it. If you’ve listened to our podcast at all lately you’ve probably heard us talk about the “great day” challenge and these are the guys that inspired that. So join us as we dive in and get to know them a little better and also check out the links attached as they’re always looking for more adventures and people to meet up with.

Episode 300 – My Lead Sources Have Dried Up!

Episode 300 – My Lead Sources Have Dried Up!

In the Land Investing training niche there’s a ton of focus on how we buy land below market. In fact, it’s probably one of the most common questions we get and the truth is that buying it is only half the battle. What I mean by that is that once you buy it to actually make money, you’ve got to sell it and if you’ve gone through our training you know we preach a “be everywhere” mentality. What tends to happen with newer investors though is that they find a marketing channel that they like and that’s working for them and then they stick to it and only it. The problem with this is that the world is a constantly changing place and what works today might not work tomorrow. So what do you do when you’ve focused all your energy on one outlet and all of a sudden it no longer works? Join us today as dive in to that subject!

Episode 299 – Interesting Due Diligence Checks

Episode 299 – Interesting Due Diligence Checks

The most crucial step in buying a good piece of land is the due diligence process and in typical fashion, when we learn something new or come across some things we found interesting we want to share it with you. So, that’s what we’re doing today! If you’ve been through our training you know we put special emphasis on this part of the process and with good reason. The large part of the land we buy is done remotely so knowing how to do certain things is a large part of why we’re successful. Join us today as we go through some items that we’ve seen lately and learn how to identify them yourselves.