Category: Real Estate Podcast

Episode 334 – Pandemic Created Investment Opportunities with Big Mike

Episode 334 – Pandemic Created Investment Opportunities with Big Mike

With us today is Mike Zlotnik. Mike is known in real estate circles as “Big Mike” due to his stature, but more importantly, he is known for his personal integrity and for having a keen understanding of the financial aspects of successful real estate investing. Mike has a depth of expert knowledge in the Pandemic created investment opportunities in real estate; what’s “hot” and what’s “cold” and where things are trending now.

Episode 333 – Living In The Gray

Episode 333 – Living In The Gray

Sometimes decisions and actions are very black and white. They’re either right or wrong and you know that you’re actions are appropriate because there’s a clear distinction between the two. Then there’s areas that are gray. Meaning they may not be “wrong” but they may not be exactly “right” either. The question for today’s show is how much room is there, if any, for doing business in that gray area? It’s an interesting question because sometimes when people do business in between the lines it’s shady and we don’t do shady around here. However, sometimes there’s legal loopholes that allow for such actions. So what do you do? Where do you draw the line? Join us today as we have some fun and talk through this with some of our thoughts and then let us know what you think!

Episode 332 – Network Equals Net Worth

Episode 332 – Network Equals Net Worth

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying that your network equals your net worth before but the more our personal network expands, the more true it’s becoming. The ways in which your business can expand by placing yourself around people with the same goals and mindset can take you leaps and bounds above where you are. We experience this everyday and it’s something that you can overlook if you’re not paying attention to it. So join us today as we share how this has helped us and how our network can help anyone that’s apart of it.

Episode 331 – Wealth Takes Time

Episode 331 – Wealth Takes Time

There’s a theme in the Real Estate education niche that you can become rich in a matter of weeks and that all your problems will vanish because you’ll be your own boss in no time at all. Has it happened? Surely it has for someone but the majority of people who build a sustainable business do so over time. You start small and you build. Along the way you get better at what you do and your investments become bigger and bigger. As coaches we think it’s imperative to set real expectations about what this business is and what can be done with it. So join us because that’s what we’re gonna talk about today!

Episode 330 – Anthony Faso and Cameron Christiansen on Creating Passive Income and Building Wealth

Episode 330 – Anthony Faso and Cameron Christiansen on Creating Passive Income and Building Wealth

We’re really excited to have special guest, Anthony Faso and Cameron Christiansen on the show today. These guys are the founders of Infinite Wealth Consultants and host of the Infinite Wealth Podcast. Anthony and Cameron are passionate about empowering families and business owners to create passive income and build wealth without the risk of Wall Street. If you like what they have to say check them out at:

Casual Fridays REI

Episode 329 – Forcing Appreciation

Episode 329 – Forcing Appreciation

We’ve got a great topic today. It’s one that we’ve been talking a lot about behind the scenes given some of our new projects and today we’re gonna share it with y’all. That’s right.. We’re talking about how we can take a piece of land, make some changes and by doing so, the land is now worth more. This is so important in what we do because once you figure it all out it opens up a lot of doors for you. So today we’re gonna talk about all the different ways in which you can do this. Make sure you listen in and take some notes!

Episode 328 – What We’re Working On Now

Episode 328 – What We’re Working On Now

If you’ve followed along with our journey from last year to this year then you know that we dropped our podcast from three shows per week to one. We actually did this for a reason and that was so that we could get more work and projects done. Well.. The first quarter of the year is over now it’s time to see if it was worth it. Have we actually done more or have we just kicked back and relaxed? I think you know the answer to that already and we thought we’d share some of the things that we’ve been able to get knocked out. So join us today to hear about what we’ve got going on and if you’ll really pay attention you might hear a little bit about how you could possibly work with us in the future.

Episode 327 – Partnership Exits

Episode 327 – Partnership Exits

Is this it??? Is this the show where we talk about Casual Fridays breaking up??? Ofcourse not! You can’t get rid of us. This show is however about preparing for that day when partnerships do end. You can have the best intentions going into a business relationship but things change over time and it’s better to have the tough conversations now so that each person knows what to expect when that day comes. So join us today as we talk through some of the thing we think about when having this conversation and how you can prepare for it too.

Episode 326 – Author, Teacher and Real Estate Investing Expert – Edna Keep

Episode 326 – Author, Teacher and Real Estate Investing Expert – Edna Keep

Join us today as we welcome Author, Teacher and Real Estate Investing Expert, Edna Keep. Edna’s journey from single mom at age 16 – living in subsidized housing with a daughter in subsidized daycare – to multi-millionaire Real Estate Entrepreneur and Coach inspires others. Her major operations are long- term buy-and-hold rentals and apartment buildings. Her claim to fame is a $65 Million real estate portfolio built with “Other People’s Money.” A proponent of education and inspiration, Edna offers live training with her Free Real Estate Coaching Fridays and Mindset Monday live events on Facebook each week.

Episode 325 – Just Send More Mail?

Episode 325 – Just Send More Mail?

You hear it all the time, that sound advice when you’re not getting the results you want, just send more mail. Is it that cut and dry though? The advice assumes that the person sending the mail actually knows what they’re doing. What good is it to send thousands of new mailers if you haven’t figured out why the first ones busted. This is an important topic to take notice of which is why we’re talking about it today. If you’re just sending offers without any thought into them then you’re bound to have some hard times ahead of you so join us today and hear what we have to say about this and what we think you should be doing instead.