Category: Real Estate Podcast

Episode 344 – Chris Bello on Mindset and Motivation

Episode 344 – Chris Bello on Mindset and Motivation

Need some Entrepreneur Motivation? Look no further. In this show, Chris Bello covers the mindset as well as practical actions that are critical for entrepreneurs at all stages and industries.

After starting and failing with several ideas and side-hustles, Chris discovered and committed to real estate wholesaling, where he has been consistently closing 5 figure deals on a monthly basis. He grew this podcast from 0 to 19K+ monthly downloads in just over a year, and is excited to see continued growth in the future. Welcome to the show.

Episode 343 – Live Event Announcement and Murder Properties!

Episode 343 – Live Event Announcement and Murder Properties!

I know, I know.. Weird combination right!?! Just go with me here. Y’all have waited long enough, we’ve secured a killer location, some killer guest speakers and we’re finally happy to announce that our next live event will be on September 18th! Tickets are on sale today and we’ve only got room for 50 people. Get all the details and purchase your tickets on our website. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by. The location itself is more than worth the cost of admission. Let’s not forget about today’s podcast topic either, murder properties. Wanna more, check it out now!

Episode 342 – Working With Realtors

Episode 342 – Working With Realtors

We’ve seen a lot of questions lately about working with Realtors in your land business and it’s an important topic so we thought we’d try and tackle it on today’s show. If you’ve never hired one or had one send you buyers then there can be somethings you’ve never dealt with and that they may try and get past you so let’s clear it all up for you. That way you can confidently buy land anywhere, hire an agent to sell the property and you focus on the growth of your company.

Episode 341 – One Year Anniversary!

Episode 341 – One Year Anniversary!

Can you believe it’s been one year since has launched?! It’s amazing how much this company has grown over the year and we couldn’t be more excited to have Max and Ryan back on our show to talk about everything that has gone on, what they’re working on and what’s coming in the future. These guys are a killer example of what hard work and dedication can accomplish and we’re very proud to represent them. If you’re not already using them make sure you check them out!

Episode 340 – Your Good Intentions Are Making You Broke

Episode 340 – Your Good Intentions Are Making You Broke

You ever hear someone say (or maybe even say it yourself) that, “once I get this done then I’ll do that”? Maybe it sounds something like, “I need to get this tool / software and then I’ll really be ready to do this”. Well, we’re here today to tell you to stop that! Often times these things that we think we need to do are only preventing us from actually doing things that generate revenue and when you’re not generating revenue as a business owner you’re going broke. So join us today as we dive into this and hopefully give you the wake up call some of you need.

Episode 339 – Self Storage Investing with Jacob Vanderslice

Episode 339 – Self Storage Investing with Jacob Vanderslice

We’re extremely excited to have Jacob Vanderslice on todays show. Jacob is Principal at VanWest Partners, a Denver-based real estate investment firm focusing on the acquisition and management of self-storage centers and other opportunistic real estate throughout the United States. VanWest has established a track record with over $195mm in real estate assets. Jacob and his partners’ success is driven by a commitment to delivering an expertly-executed, adaptable strategy with an institutional investment approach.

Episode 338 – The Winning Cycle

Episode 338 – The Winning Cycle

Sometimes in life it seems like you can’t lose. You’re firing on all cylinders and one win leads to another. You take those wins and turn them into growth and you get better and better at whatever it is you’re doing. In the land business this can mean you’re buying tons of land and selling it really quickly, maybe your even taking your profits, reinvesting and doing bigger deals. This is a great feeling and if you work hard enough this is something you can definitely experience. There’s another side to this as well. Sometimes the constant winning can blind you into a false sense of security that you can’t fail. We’ve experienced this too. There’s nothing worse than killing it only to lose it all the next day. So join us today as we talk about a subject that’s been on our minds a lot lately. We’re in a market where it’s really easy to make money and get caught up in the winning cycle but if you’re not careful, when the market shifts, you might not like where you end up if you’re not prepared.

Episode 337 – Crypto In Your Land Business

Episode 337 – Crypto In Your Land Business

With the popularity of Cryptocurrency growing everyday it’s gotten hard to ignore a very real possibility that some people will prefer to use it over traditional fiat. The problem with Crypto is that it’s still volatile so the price it’s currently at may not be the amount you get when you cash it out. So that brings up the question, do you accept it in your land business? Join us today as we talk about this and give you our thoughts.

Episode 336 – Training with Intent

Episode 336 – Training with Intent

You ever notice how some people get into a niche and seemingly out of nowhere their success sky rockets? One day they’re a clueless rookie and the next they’re performing like a professional. It’s not an accident that this happens, in fact, there’s a really good reason why some people catapult themselves and some don’t. Today’s show is all about why that happens and how anyone with the desire and focus can become the person where talking about here. In the land investing world it’s the shift that takes someone from doing a small deals here and there to someone who’s doing as many deals as they want and at whatever size they want. So join us today and see if you’re really doing what we say or if you have some room for improvement.

Episode 335 – What We Would Tell Our Younger Selves

Episode 335 – What We Would Tell Our Younger Selves

They say with time comes wisdom and recently we had an experience where that really came to mind and it got us thinking. What would we tell ourselves if we could go back and have that conversation with the younger versions of us. Not just the kid version of ourselves but also the new land investor looking to grow their business. What would we actually say and would the younger version even be ready to hear it or act on it? These are some questions that we’re going to talk about today. What do you think? Anything special you’d say to yourself?