Category: Real Estate Podcast

Episode 369 – The 20 Million Dollar Question

Episode 369 – The 20 Million Dollar Question

What’s your life worth to you? Would you give it up tomorrow for riches today or would you turn it away to live another day? This is a question that we recently came across that really puts things into perspective because if you choose to turn it away your saying your life is really valuable. So, with that in mind, are you getting up each day and really living up to it? When you think about your life this way you stop worrying about the smaller things and start taking massive action each day. Whether that’s moving the needle in your business or doing one thing each day that really makes you happy. Join us today as we dive into this and give our thoughts on it and then drop us a line with your thoughts.

Episode 368 – Demanding The Best From Yourself

Episode 368 – Demanding The Best From Yourself

Are you pushing yourself as hard as you really can? Are you demanding success? Is your business / life really where you want it to be? These are things that are totally in your control and as a business owner only you have the ability to make sure you’re growing in the direction you want. We understand that life gets busy and it’s hard. We also know that if you really want it that you won’t make excuses and you’ll the fact that things are hard is only a bump in the road and not the final destination. So join us today as we dive into this and then if you’re not where you want to be get back to work!

Episode 367 – Dominating 2022 – Advice For The New and Seasoned Investor

Episode 367 – Dominating 2022 – Advice For The New and Seasoned Investor

The new year is here and we’re ready to take it by storm! This is always an exciting time where people are looking to start there business or where people who are already up and running are making plans for the year. That got us thinking about what we would tell someone that was getting started right now so we decided to share that advice here. As we got to talking though we realized that there’s probably a lot of seasoned investors that are curious what we’d have to say to so we thought we’d share that as well. So join us today and hear what we have to say!

Episode 366 – Merry Christmas Year End Review

Episode 366 – Merry Christmas Year End Review

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone out there! We’re so happy to have each and everyone one of you that listen to our show. This episode is the last one we’ll do this year and it marks the end of three full years as podcasters. We’ve had a great year which we’ll discuss today along with some of the goals we’ve got going into 2022. So join us today as we dive into it and end this year on a great show!

Episode 365 – Lifestyle Inflation

Episode 365 – Lifestyle Inflation

It’s a story told far to often, someone starts a business or gets a raise or comes into some money and all of a sudden they upgrade their life. Maybe they buy a new car, expensive house or start eating out all the time and forget to put money back for uncertain times or the inevitable shift in the economy. Then, before you know it you need to bring home more money each month just to cover your bills. This is by far one of the worst things you to yourself and today we’re going to go over why and how we manage this.

Episode 364 – Let Your Niche Find You

Episode 364 – Let Your Niche Find You

Getting started with Real Estate Investing is an exciting time. You’re more than likely eager to get your first deal going and build a thriving business as fast as you can. If you’re like most people you probably have some sort of vision of how you’d like your business to look too. Maybe you want to be the Cashflow King or maybe you want a small team that focuses only on large deals so that’s what you work on. This is all great with the exception that you don’t even really know what you like yet, what you’re good at or what really gets you excited. When you find these things out and you put your focus into them, you build a business that is not only profitable but it’s rewarding. When you neglect these things and focus on what you think you should be building the opposite happens. So join us today as we dive into this and how our businesses have changed over the years because I guaranty you they are nowhere near what we originally set out to be.

Episode 363 – Momento Mori with Trevor Probandt

Episode 363 – Momento Mori with Trevor Probandt

He’s not just a pretty face guys, he’s a hell of a Land guy, he’s our friend and we couldn’t be more excited to have Trevor Probandt on the show today! Today’s topic is something that he and Justin both mentioned so we thought it was worth talking about. There’s very few things in life that we are guaranteed and this topic covers the one that none of us can avoid. So join us today because this topic has the potential to really open up your eyes if you take some time to really think about it. This one’s a little longer than normal but we hope you love it as much we do!

Episode 362 – Go Broke To Get Rich

Episode 362 – Go Broke To Get Rich

How willing are you to put it all on the line? Let’s say you’ve got a deal that you know is solid. The comps are exactly what we look for, it’s got great access, great views and you’re buying it at a third of what it’s worth. To purchase it though means that you’re going to have far less money in your account than you’re comfortable with. So, what do you do? This is a question that almost every full time real estate investor we know has had to ask themselves at one point or another. Do you do the deal? Do you do some sort of creative financing? Do you pass on the deal? All great questions and today we’re going to go over what we think of the whole situation and how we’ve handled it in the pasty.

Episode 361 – Beads of Courage – Do Not Miss This Show!!

Episode 361 – Beads of Courage – Do Not Miss This Show!!

We are extremely honored to have Jean Gribbon, the founder of Beads of Courage on the show today! This is an amazing organization that has touched our hearts and we couldn’t be more excited about sharing their story and mission. It’s definitely not your typical Real Estate show today but it’s 100% worth listening to and getting involved. So join us today, listen to how this organization is helping kids and then get involved at:


Episode 360 – Are You Ready To Quit Your Job?

Episode 360 – Are You Ready To Quit Your Job?

Seems like every year around this time we get a lot of people asking us our opinion on them quitting there jobs and pursuing land investing full time. It’s a cool question to get asked too because it means that our students are either doing really well or they believe in the system enough that they feel they can make it. The truth of whether someone is ready to leave their job and do this as their primary income isn’t a one size fits all though. We’ve tried really hard around here to keep it 100% honest with you and not sell you on these crazy dreams of easy, quick money that we know you’ve heard in the Real Estate Investing world. So let us dive into it today and tell you what really think and what it was like for us when we made the jump.