Category: Real Estate Podcast

Episode 384 – What’s The Next Big Thing?

Episode 384 – What’s The Next Big Thing?

Every few years something comes along in our niche and it seems like people really focus in on it for awhile. Whether it’s cashflow, CRMs, subdivides, etc.. they all seem to have their place in the land investing niche and some of these items have even become tools we wouldn’t want to run our business without. So what’s next? We don’t know for sure but we definitely have some ideas that we’re gonna toss around today and who knows, maybe you’ll like the idea so much you run with it. Make sure you give us some credit though!

Episode 383 – Patience In Your Business

Episode 383 – Patience In Your Business

Having patience in your business is one of the hardest traits to develop as a business owner. Nobody goes to work for themselves with the hopes of making their first bit of profit months or even years down the road. Sometimes though, that’s how it works out. When you have a new business without a pipeline you’ve got to get that up and going and in our business that means marketing, buying properties and then getting them sold. That obviously isn’t an over night thing so how do you stay motivated during this time? What are reasonable expectations? Join us today as we talk about this and other items we’ve seen not only in our business but our students too.

Episode 382 – Jake Huddelston and The Journey To Full Time Land Investor

Episode 382 – Jake Huddelston and The Journey To Full Time Land Investor

We’re so excited to have Jake Huddelston on the show today! He recently went full time as a land investor and we’re not only lucky enough to have him join our office but we convinced him to come on our show and share his journey with y’all. He’s been through it all on his way to get here so hopefully y’all will find some motivation in todays show to keep you pushing forward if you find yourself in the same positions. If you guys like what you hear let us know and we’ll see what we can do about getting him on the show more often.

Episode 381 – Are You Getting To Comfortable?

Episode 381 – Are You Getting To Comfortable?

It happens to all us.. We start something new and we’re excited and we’re working hard, soaking up all sorts of information and joining groups and watching things grow. Then at some point we slowly stop doing those things as much and just settle in to whatever it is we’re doing. In business, this can be detrimental to your continued success so how do we handle this? Join us today and see how we feel about all this.

Episode 380 – The Casual Fridays Way

Episode 380 – The Casual Fridays Way

Here at Casual Fridays we pride ourselves on the trust we’ve built in the land community. That trust isn’t built over night and it’s not easy to do but we’ve accomplished it by going above and beyond on things like Project One and Two, throwing over the top live events (pay attention today because the next one may be coming up) and many other ways that we share our knowledge and time. Doing all of this has grown our business in ways that we never could’ve imagined and as we talk about this today, it isn’t to toot our own horn, it’s to hopefully shed some light on how you should be running your business. True growth comes from opening up and not being afraid that you’ll lose something by having others in the same arena as you. So join us today as we talk about this and just how much it’s grown our business.

Episode 379 – Celebrating The Wins

Episode 379 – Celebrating The Wins

As business owners it can be really easy to fall into a rhythm where you are so focused on managing and growing your business that you forget to look how far you’ve come and really take in what you’ve accomplished. This actually hit really hard this week for us as we had one of our biggest weeks ever with land sales and the launch of the Master Class. These we’re big milestones and instead of taking a second to congratulate ourselves, we just went along with our day as if nothing had happened. That’s the exact opposite of what we should’ve done though. Did we need to throw a massive party? No, probably not but we absolutely should be doing something no matter how big or small that is. We imagine that happens a lot in your businesses too. Especially for those of you that are still working a day job, managing your family life and still growing your business on the side. So join us today as we dive into this a little and then maybe get up and do a little happy dance or something to congratulate yourself on how far you’ve come.

Episode 378 – Is There a Best Way To Run Your Business?

Episode 378 – Is There a Best Way To Run Your Business?

As our businesses expand and the number of people that we help get into this niche continues to grow, so does the number of ways that we see people take this idea. For us, we started with small desert properties that we focused on cashflow and small cash wins. Now, we’re subdividing several thousand acre properties. Is that the right way for everyone though? We know many people who love the smaller parcels that generate cashflow. We also know people that only want to focus on larger cash flips. So what’s right? Join us today as we dive into this and give you our opinion and then drop us a comment and let us know what you think.

Episode 377 – The Importance of a Tribe

Episode 377 – The Importance of a Tribe

You ever see one of those CIA movies where they show a report on someone they’re tracking and the entire thing is either edited or redacted? That’s basically how this episode went!! I’m not sure you’ll ever hear it because our editing skills are amazing if I do say so myself but feel free to reach out to Justin if you want to hear the full story! hahaha. It’s still a great show where we talk about how important it is to have a solid tribe of like minded people around you and how powerful that really is. So check it out and let us know how you’ve benefited from the people you surround yourself with.

Episode 376 – The Customer Experience

Episode 376 – The Customer Experience

One of the most important aspects of any business is the experience the customer has. This couldn’t be anymore true today as it’s really easy for someone to go online and shout from the rooftops how good or bad their experience with you was. Traditionally, we think of this on the sell side meaning we sell something to the public and we want their experience with us to be so good that they come back. In our business though we purchase something from the public before we turn around and sell that product to someone else. So how do we encourage a great experience with people on that end. Join us today as we dive into this and what we do.

Episode 375 – Subdivide Master Class

Episode 375 – Subdivide Master Class

It’s here y’all!! The episode you’ve all been waiting for!! We are officially launching our Subdivide Master Class and all the details about it on today’s show. You do not want to miss this or the opportunity that comes with it. We have put together the most intense one one one training program out there and we can’t wait to get started with it. So join us today as we dive into it, what it’s all about and how you can be apart of it.