Category: Real Estate Podcast

Episode 409 – Master Class Round Two!!!

Episode 409 – Master Class Round Two!!!

Six months ago we launched our first Subdivide Master Class with one goal in mind.. To build the most elite tribe of Land Investors across the country that all work together to find, underwrite, fund and exit subdivided properties. We’ve seen great success from this group and now we’re ready to open the doors to our next group. So today we’re officially announcing the Master Class is back and we’re going over all the things we’ve seen over the last 6 months and what to expect from the next class.

Episode 408 – What’s Your Pivot Look Like?

Episode 408 – What’s Your Pivot Look Like?

The market is slowing and what’s been working for you lately may not work for you going forward. So what do you do? Some business owners will freeze, some will keep doing what they’re doing and others will pivot. It’s our opinion that opening your self up to a pivot can ultimately help you get through a slow down. What does that look like though? What have we seen the biggest questions be? Join us today as we talk about this and the questions we’re getting.

Episode 407 – Discipline and Routine

Episode 407 – Discipline and Routine

Being an Entrepreneur means having a wide open, blank space to do whatever you’d like to do. Sometimes that can be overwhelming and leave you wondering where to get started and sometimes that can mean you left to much on the to do list because you didn’t feel like being there. Those that are successful long term are the ones that can create routine and have the discipline to get up day in / day out and do what needs to be done. As we move into a slowing market, those with these traits will stand a much better chance of succeeding long term than those who don’t. So join us today as we dive into this and the absolute importance of it all.

Episode 406 – Marching Forward

Episode 406 – Marching Forward

When you’re an entrepreneur and things get tough you have two choices. You can either fold to the pressure or you can make things happen. This is an important idea to remember these days because everywhere we turn we’re hearing about things a recession, sales slowing, prices dropping, etc.. What you do right now and how you react will determine if you’re still in business next year. So join us today as we dive into this and talk a little more about focusing and putting your plan into place.

Episode 405 – Gratitude

Episode 405 – Gratitude

Last week we talked about Greed so today we’re going the complete opposite direction and talking about Gratitude. It’s so easy in everyday life to over look just how good we have it and it’s one of those things that we should be paying more attention too. So today we’re gonna talk about some of the things we’re grateful for and just how important this topic is.

Episode 404 – Greed

Episode 404 – Greed

It’s not often that both host show up with the same topic in mind for the week but it definitely happened this week. We’re talking about Greed and if it’s good, if it’s time to be greedy and what exactly do we mean when we talk about greed. So join us today as we dive into this and then let us know what you think.

Episode 403 – One Year In The Office

Episode 403 – One Year In The Office

We’re officially one year in our office! It’s been a great year for us but has an office been worth it? What are the positives and negatives? Is it worth if for you and what should you look for. Join us today as we dive into this and see how it’s been for us and if you should do it too.

Episode 402 – The Good and The Bad

Episode 402 – The Good and The Bad

The life of an entrepreneur is one filled with good and bad moments. One day you’re on top of the world and can do no wrong and the next day everything is falling apart. What’s important to remember about all of this is that you’re not alone and we’ve all been through it. Those moments when you’re doing really well remember that it won’t always last and make a plan for it. When you’re having those bad moments remember that it won’t last and to keep pushing forward. This is a great topic because it’s something every business owner, no matter how long they’ve been doing this, will experience. So join us today as we dive into this and have a little fun.

Episode 401 – Are Your Ads Too Confusing?

Episode 401 – Are Your Ads Too Confusing?

Do your ads paint a picture of the property so well that buyers make their decision before they ever actually go see the property or are you filling the ads with jargon and bad data that only confuses the person? This is a solid point to focus on because the strong majority of Real Estate purchases start online and your sales copy, photos, videos, etc.. need to be so good that people want the property before they ever actually set foot on it. Join us today as we talk about this and some of the things we’ve seen and done.

Episode 400 – Nerves Are Normal

Episode 400 – Nerves Are Normal

Every part of starting a new business and even growing it can be stressful and nervous. You think you’re the only one to experience this? You’re wrong. We’ve all been there and it’s possible that you’ll feel the nerves every time you step your game up. What happens over time though is the things that used to make you nervous no longer do and that’s when you really control the game. Join us today we talk about our experience with this and how we’ve handled it.