Category: Real Estate Podcast

Episode 417 – Year End Review

Episode 417 – Year End Review

It’s the end of the year and oh what a year it’s been! We’ve learned a ton and grown even more and we hope you’ve experienced the same. As we finish up this last week of the year for us we’re taking some time to look back and talk about everything we’ve done. So join us today as we talk about the ups, downs and everything in between.

Episode 416 – Does It Ever Get Easier?

Episode 416 – Does It Ever Get Easier?

When you first start a business everything is new and hard. Let’s take Land Investing for instance.. The first time you pick a county and price blind offers it’s a little daunting. The more you do it though the easier it gets. As you grow though you run into other obstacles that keep you have to get over. So the question today is, does it ever get easier? After years of doing the same thing, can you turn it on autopilot or will there always be a hill to climb? Join us today as we dive into this subject and some of the things we’ve delt with.

Episode 415 – The No Money Down Guru

Episode 415 – The No Money Down Guru

It’s that time of the year where people are thinking of their goals for the following year and one thing that many people want is to either start a business or make more money. That’s where the Gurus jump in and promise you the life of your dreams with out spending any of your own money. It’s a really good sales pitch that gets a lot of people interested but is it real? Join us today as we talk about it and give you our thoughts.

Episode 414 – Death By Khakis

Episode 414 – Death By Khakis

You’ve seen this before or maybe even been the one dealing with it. It’s that person who has all the potential in the world but is stuck in the daily grind of a job they don’t want to be doing and letting all their dreams pass them by as they go about there life. This is absolutely no way to live but so many people get caught up in it. There’s gotta be that one thing that pulls those people out of the rut and gets them going and today we’re gonna talk about why this is so important and what we think about this whole thing.

Episode 413 – Could You Start All Over?

Episode 413 – Could You Start All Over?

Recently we were tossing around the idea of what we would do if we had to start all over again today. Could we do it? What would we do differently? Would we even want to? As we talked it out several thoughts came to mind and today we’re gonna share all those with you. So join us today and then let us know what you think!

Episode 412 – Identifying Your Client Avatar

Episode 412 – Identifying Your Client Avatar

In this ever changing market it’s become more important than ever to know who you’re clients are. Do your clients want a camp site, hunting ground, farm land, etc.. Are you tailoring your property to that person? There was a time in the not to distant past that we could buy and sell anything with little thought but now that the market is shifting we may need to start doing a little something. Join us today as we dive into this with special guest Trevor Probandt as we dive into this topic and some of the things we’re working on.

Episode 411 – Take The Deal!

Episode 411 – Take The Deal!

Today we’re gonna look at a scenario that for some reason keeps coming up. To us, the situation is an obvious one but to our surprise we’ve had to have more than one tough conversation with our students. The scenario looks something like this.. You have a solid land deal, someone offers to purchase that deal from you at a good return and then you hold out because you think you can get more. We’ve seen this more than once just this week so today we’re gonna tell you why this drives us nuts! Join us as we dive into it and hopefully you’ll see this the way that we do once it’s done.

Episode 410 – Your Money’s All Around You

Episode 410 – Your Money’s All Around You

You ever look around and realize just how much stuff you have that doesn’t get used or touched? Seriously, we purchase items that maybe we needed at one point but definitely don’t need now and so it sits and collects dust. Then comes an opportunity that we know would benefit us but we stumble because we can’t find the money to take action. We see this often when we’re talking to new people who want to get into this but for some reason they don’t take action. We’re not saying to sell your house or car to start a business but I guarantee no matter who you are you can free up some capital by decluttering your life. So join us today as we talk about how we’ve done this in our lives and how you can too.